A standard size fruit cage can be easily constructed in day, and if you can put together a piece of flat-pack furniture, you should have no real trouble in constructing your fruit cage. We suggest building your own fruit cage in stages;

Find a comfy armchair and armed with a cup of tea (Tea Bag Enclosed) familiarise yourself with the instructions – Please use the checklist supplied with your fruit cage and also the diagrams at the end of these instructions to identify the individual parts and components.

The instructions are for a standard 2 bay by 2 bay fruit cage this may not match your order, but once this has been constructed it is just a case of carrying on until your required size and shape is achieved.

■ Erect the framework.
■ When covering you will find a second pair of hands very useful.

Taking a more logical, step by step approach allows you to assimilate and follow the instructions better. It should also produce an easier and hopefully a more enjoyable experience. If you are experiencing problems with your polytunnel construction, you can call us between 9am & 5pm on 01282 601253 during the week. If you require advice during the weekend, you can call us between 9am & 5pm on 07801 601253.